Cultivating Connections With Every Performance

One80 proudly operates as a nonprofit organization, driven by a mission to enrich our community through free, accessible entertainment. Our goal is to reach every corner of our community, offering events that cater to people of all ages and backgrounds. Each event, from plays designed for family enjoyment to concerts that spotlight local artists for the younger crowds, is crafted to foster connections and enhance the cultural fabric of our neighborhood. As a nonprofit, our focus is on community impact rather than profit, allowing us to create and offer a variety of events that are open to everyone without any cost.

Volunteers are the heart of our operations, bringing energy and passion to every performance and event. Every week, our concerts feature a diverse lineup of volunteer artists, showcasing a range of musical genres to ensure there is something new and exciting for regular attendees. Currently, our roster of volunteer acts is full, reflecting the robust enthusiasm and support we receive from talented individuals in our community. This volunteer-driven model not only supports local artists but also keeps our events fresh and varied, making every visit to One80 a unique and memorable experience.

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